

Is a Property Report Card necessary?
If you want to maintain your finances and time, then our inspection of the home is for you. We will evaluate each element to check if it meets our expert qualifications.
If I rent, do I need a Property Report Card?
Yes, you do. You can avoid all of the small maintenance costs over the course of your tenancy if you find them beforehand and have to pay for them - or if you wait for the landlord to fix things. Property Check almost always pays for itself.

We also conduct a full-photo audit of every inch of the property, so you don't have to worry about false charges on your security deposit at move-out.
What is the average inspection time?
We are very meticulous which is why we limit the number of bookings. We allow ourselves a minimum of 2 hours for apartment inspections and 4 hours for villa inspections; this amount can vary in accordance with the size of your residence.
If it takes longer, will you charge more?
No, we won't be charging different prices. We've made our booking and payment processes easy and straightforward, so that it's convenient for you to use. Our goal is to keep things as simple as possible.
Is it necessary that I attend?
Don't worry - you're more than welcome to join us. We would be delighted to walk you through any issues that arise.

However, if you're not able to attend, make sure we have access nonetheless.
What should I do if I am unable to attend?
Be sure to make certain EWA (Electricity and Water Authority) is switched on, so we can access it. Then lean back and rest assured that we'll look after your finances and peace of mind.

You'll have your interactive report card in hand within 24 hours of the inspection.
What do you inspect?
Ensure all of the core components of your home are in working order before it's too late.

AC, electrics, plumbing, tile, grout, water, water quality, pest problems, damp (visible and hidden), mould (visible and hidden), white appliances (if applicable), joinery, doors and cupboards, kitchen, balconies, cosmetic faults, leaks. We will inspect the property if it is present.
What is your Property Report Card?
We’ve created our own technology - the Property Check Web exclusively for inspectors and an interactive report card like no other. Our upcoming app will ensure that nothing is overlooked.

The digital Property Report Card is incredibly user-friendly and easy to understand, with no need for any prior knowledge of construction or maintenance.

You can filter by faults, rooms and categories, plus share any or all sections of the report with your landlord/agent/seller/buyer/renter in a few simple clicks.

You can see more about it here
How much does the full photo audit?
This is a library of photos and Videos of the entire property - we document every inch.

You can use this as proof of condition when you move in - simply tap share on this section in the app and send it to your landlord or agent.

You won't be charged false charges for your security deposit when you move out. It works.
I've already signed my contract. Is it too late to get a Property Report Card?
No! We always recommend our inspection before signing, since you can renegotiate or walk away based on what we find, but you can still get a true picture of the property and get faults fixed by the landlord or seller before you become responsible for them.
Have I already moved in? Is it too late to get a Property Report Card?
Don't worry, purchasing a property usually comes with a 6 month warranty to get any faults fixed by the developer as soon as they are discovered.

It's better to do an inspection early on, though, because if you wait too long the developer or seller may try and allege that you caused the damage.

The same applies for those renting - sooner is better for getting an inspection and for taking a photographic audit.
What is the difference between this and a snagging service?
No, Property Check is not a snagging service - snag checks are included for free and included in your Property Report Card, but we also conduct a full, in-depth inspection, covering much more than just superficial snags. We are, however, a snagging service if you consider something as major as a faulty air conditioning unit a snag.
When it comes to reports, do you ever lie?
It's not worth all the money in the world.
Are you independent in this?
We are totally independent and have no connection with any builders, maintenance firms or the like. We have come into existence because we strongly believe transparency and justice must be provided before people take up residence in their homes.
Can I use you as a landlord, agent, or seller?
Absolutely! We provide daily services for all the items mentioned. If any issues arise in your properties, we'll give you a free update of the report after you have fixed it.

Our inspections benefit you economically by discovering problems early, before they become costly (like those leaking ceiling pipes that can cause flooding). This also helps to get homes sold or rented faster, and makes buyers and tenants happier.

Trust is immediately established with them when you give them a detailed report card. If you'd like us to inspect your developments, please drop an email to mistribabuindia@gmail.com
What is the payment process?
When you book, we ask for your information, and payment isn't processed until after the inspection is finished.
Is it possible to cancel my inspection?
Yes. We understand that sometimes plans change and if you need to cancel, you can do it up to 24 hours before your inspection and you'll get a full refund, free of charge.